23 March 2007

Statement of Intent

I will write my thoughts about my life as the parent of a living son and a dead one (and an embryo or two of undetermined gender identity). I will make no "Today, I..." list posts, and I will post no photos, cute or otherwise, because those efforts are how I avoid actually writing. At least once a week, I will make the time to post something on which I spent more than ten minutes writing. I will avoid writing about the particular specifics of my life for security's sake, but I will write without any censorship for the benefit of any external audience. I will reserve the right to change these rules as I go.

Someone I love dearly suffered a miscarriage this week. It never ends, does it? It's a horrible reminder of why I need to keep writing. Stay tuned.

P.S. I will think of a better name for this blog, I promise. I just need time. And sleep.


niobe said...


I'm already looking forward to your posts.

Catherine said...

There are rules? uh...ok. :o)

BasilBean said...

I'm so glad you're still around.

Hmm...maybe I should have some rules, too.

I was so clueless when I started blogging, and now I think it's probably too late.

BasilBean said...

Is it ok if I add you to my links?

claire said...


Looking forward to catching up again - I've actually opened a blogger account so that I can comment this time round!

- Claire from the UK

Roxanne said...

Hi! I was like who is this blogger and why do I know so many of the blogs she links to. Duh. :) Glad to see you again!